sexuals economically, socially, vocationally, or otherwise JUST because these others are inverts.

6. They should avoid undue sentimentalism, superromanticism, and selfpity and should accept the realities of everyday living. By the same token, they should avoid exaggerated cynicism and despair and grant reality its valid, if at times sombre, due.

7. They should try to do some policing of their own ranks and discourage exploitative, rash, and patently illegal behavior by other homosexuals.

8. They should try, in a dignified manner, and with the help of as many reputable heterosexuals as they can enlist, to effect changes in statutes that clearly and arbitrarily discriminate against and penalize homosexuals.

9. They should strive, in as many. public ways as possible, to express their viewpoints and their protests against discrimination not merely to each other, but particularly to the large public which is quite misinformed about homosexuality and which greatly needs enlightenment.

10. They should try to be as open-minded and undogmatic as possible about their own views of homosexuality and, instead of jumping to quick conclusions from their own limited sex-love experience, should try to keep up with recent scientific and clinical findings regarding homosexuality and be able to accept facts that controvert their own pro-homosexual prejudices.

The foregoing rules, and several of a similar ilk which I am sure could be added to them, constitute what I call the palliative method whereby homosexuals can combat anti-homosexualism. Even though this method, if it were widely adopted by American inverts, would almost certainly, in my opinion, result in a considerable reduction in existing antagonism to homosexuals, I cannot delude myself that it would work perfectly or would even lead to a maximum decrease in anti-homosexualism.

Such a maximum reduction in heterosexual prejudice against homosexuals can only, I am afraid, be effected by what I call the curative method of attacking this problem. This method, in essence, would entail a real revision of sex attitudes and behavior on the part of the entire American populace, including both the homosexual and the heterosexual elements of this populace. It would mean that Americans as a whole would have to become unusually unpuritanical, unrepressed, objective, and scientific in regard to ALL their sex practices; and that, becoming so, they would automatically be as unprejudiced toward homosexual or ambisexual acts as they would be toward any other sex acts which did not specifically result in one individual's needlessly and deliberately harming another adult who voluntarily had sex relations with him or her

As I admitted at the start of this paper, the curative method of combatting anti-homosexualism is undoubtedly a futuristic and utopian method when considered in the light of today's grim anti-sexual realities. Even if it takes centuries, however, the day will eventually come, I firmly predict, when Americans (as well as other citizens of this world) will look upon sex aberrations and criminal offenses just as they now often look upon non-sexual abnormalities and crimes. When that day comes, people will view fixed homosexuality or ambisexuality as, at worst, an indication of emotional fixation or neurosis. They may then pity the poor homosexual who under no circumstances finds it possible to take vital joy in having sex relations with members of the other sex as, personally, I think they should pity such a neurotically limited human being. But they will not, at that time, scorn, persecute, or jail the homosexual simply because he is sexually inflexible.


Admitting, therefore, that the most effective, and truly curative method of combatting anti-homosexualism is as yet futuristic and utopian in scope, I still would very much like to see today's homosexuals begin to think about and plan toward the execution of this ultimate method. More concretely, some of the things which homosexuals can now do in this connection are as follows:

1. They can begin to combat puritanism and antisexuality of ALL types, instead of taking over, as I have elsewhere pointed out, many heterosexual sex
